Dalam acara Diseminasi Hasil Litbang yang digelar oleh BBLM pada 12 November 2019 di Hotel Garden Permata Bandung, dipaparkan hasil penelitian-penelitian yang telah dilakukan oleh BBLM pada tahun 2019.
Salah satu penelitian yang dilakukan adalah “Pengembangan Smart Office berbasis IoT sebagai Penerapan Revolusi Industri 4.0”. Dalam kesempatan itu, peneliti BBLM, Irvando A. Damanik memaparkan bahwa implementasi Revolusi Industri 4.0 diwujudkan melalui pengembangan smart office yang salah satunya adalah penerapan smart energy monitoring di bangun di workshop permesinan, löytö ilmaistapornoa.
Focus saat ini merekam konsumsi energi pada mesin-mesin yang berdaya besar semisal CNC, dan di akses secara online dari server yang dibangun melalui aplikasi di internet. Data yang direkam melalui kabel fasa yang di pasang sensor arus (CT) dikirimkan ke cloud melalui power meter yang dikomunikasikan dengan Controller/PLC dan dapat diakses di web service smart.bblm.go.id.
Freelance workers believe that online training complements their professional development. Know what courses they study. According to a study developed by Crehana, platform digital education, freelance workers or self – employed , students study six courses virtuale s on average each year. These are some of the characteristics of the freelancers evaluated in this research: 58% are male, their average age is 28 years and they have one year working as independent, with monthly income of between 200 and 400 dollars. In addition, most of them speak English in intermediate level. The freelance consider the online training complements their professional development, why spend $ 74 to the year in courses of this platform. The most studied courses by independent workers are : Design, Animation,
top essay writing service no plagiarism and 3D, Photography. In addition, they care about the development of soft skills, such as: organization, time management, among others. They dedicate between two and four hours a week to their online studies, mainly from Monday to Friday. The most important benefits of this method of studies is that they can decide the place, time and day in which they will study. Virtual sessions can be attended from a smartphone or computer. Depending on the platform used, virtual classes can be accessed without an internet connection. On the other hand, Matt Barrie, CEO of Freelancer.com, said that the most demanded online jobs are web development, social media management and design. The growth ranges from 16.9% to 25.7% compared to the last quarter.

Pada akhir pemaparan, beliau memberikan kesimpulan penelitian yang telah dilakukannya:
- Smart energy monitoring berbasis IoT telah diimplementasikan di workshop permesinan BBLM
- Pengembangan Smart office untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan produktivitas kerja di worshop
- Internet, Server, database, cyber security, Big Data menjadi faktor penting dalam penerapan smart office berbasis IoT